Julie Anne Peters Books Free Download

Preview and download books by Julie Anne Peters, including Keeping You a Secret, Luna, Define 'Normal', and many more. Julie Anne Petters Blog - is to inspire other peoples to live positively. You’ll find a lot of fun stuff here: top-hot bestseller books, books reviews, audiobooks lists, tips and ticks, newspapers reviews about books, book hacks, tutorials and etc.

For the last 20+ years, I've been writing books for young readers. My YA novel, Luna, the story of a transgender teen beginning her transition from male to female, was a National Book Award finalist and an American Library Association Best Books for Young Adults. (Thank you award committee members.) My other books about gender queer youth include Keeping You a Secret, Far from Xanadu (retitled, Pretend You Love Me), Between Mom and Jo, grl2grl: short fictions, Rage: A Love Story, She Loves You, She Loves You Not..., It's Our Prom (So Deal With It), and my newest book scheduled for 2014, The Double Life of Swanee Durbin. Also check out my book about bullycide, By the Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead.
I'm a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, PEN America, the Authors Guild, and the Colorado Authors' League. I live with my partner, Sherri Leggett, in Lakewood, Colorado. (We're celebrating our 38th anniversary this year.
More information about me and my books can be found on my Web site: www.JulieAnnePeters.com
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Preview — Luna by Julie Anne Peters

A groundbreaking novel about a transgender teen, selected as a National Book Award Finalist!
Regan's brother Liam can't stand the person he is during the day. Like the moon from whom Liam has chosen his female name, his true self, Luna, only reveals herself at night. In the secrecy of his basement bedroom Liam transforms himself into the beautiful girl he longs to be, with
Published February 1st 2006 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (first published 2004)
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Pedro (paidge)Absolutely. It is. It works as a conversation starter for sure. And while there are some cuss words, they are easily scratched out, and even more…moreAbsolutely. It is. It works as a conversation starter for sure. And while there are some cuss words, they are easily scratched out, and even more easily left in and scaffolded with context. :-) best of luck to you both.(less)
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Oct 10, 2011Wendy Darling rated it it was ok
Shelves: young-adult, lgbtqi, realistic-fiction, read-2011
Clearly, it's important that books like this are written, not only so that teens who are transgender have a voice in young adult literature, but also so that our society as a whole has a chance to better understand gender identity and gender expression.
Regan's older brother Liam has always felt as if he was different. Through the years, he's been closer to her female friends than any guy his own age, and he's always been interested in typically 'feminine' toys and clothes. Eventually, Liam begi
Jun 03, 2009Brooke rated it it was ok

Julie Anne Peters

Hmm. Well, I'm glad this book was written because there certainly could be more books for and about the trans community. I did have some issues with this book, however. Some thoughts and some questions.
It was interesting how the mother and father had non-traditional roles (him not working,her working). Im not sure if this was necessary though or really served the plot in any way.
There is this theme or at least a few scenes in which Liam is painted as someone who 'can't help himself' from cross
Jun 22, 2012saadia k rated it did not like it · review of another edition
This book got under my skin in a big way.
For starters, all characters in this novel felt flat to me -- all stereotype and caricature; no real depth. In short, they were unlikable because there was nothing earnestly human about them -- their imperfections were forced rather than fluid (Regan's self-deprication, for example) and their conflicts were heavy-handed.
Liam/Luna is portrayed as an object in this novel, nothing more, and is extreeeeemely underdeveloped. Regan is supposed to be Luna's clo
Nov 17, 2016Alex rated it liked it
So, I bought this book when I was in college for, I believe, a book report. Yes, a book report about inequality. I think it was for a science/medical ethics class. I choose a different book and left this on my shelf to read eventually.
Well this week is the week I finally read it. Luna is about Liam, 17/18 year old male, transitioning into Luna. The book was narrated by her sister, Regan.
Well, I think this book would be perfect for 6th graders who are just really learning about their sexuality,
Although Luna is a well-written book on a topic that demands more wide-spread exploration, its narrative ultimately promotes the 'wrongness' and/or 'otherness' of trans characters by focusing on a cis hetero (and ultimately much less interesting) main character.
Luna is one of those books I read a long time ago -- long enough that I can't, in good conscience, review the prose, because I don't remember it... though, perhaps that is telling in and of itself. I read Luna while I was in high school a
Jan 07, 2016Sarah rated it liked it · review of another edition
Overall I did really like this book. There were a few things that could have been better but it was good.
Firstly, I thought this book was interesting and it kept my attention throughout. This book is really simple in terms of language, story and writing style and that simplicity had its pros and cons. A pro was the fact that it was so simple that it was really easy to understand and I think that is good because younger readers can grasp everything very easily. Another pro to the simplicity was
Jan 05, 2008Amy rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This book is an amazing step forward in YA literature. Other reviewers have given you the premise of the plot, I just wanted to add that I thought it was BRILLIANT that it was told from the sister's point of view. Within the largely conservative area I live in, not a lot of people would be interested in this book had it been told from Liam/Luna's point of view. But as it comes from the sister, it's a safe vantage. It's the perfect vehicle for introducing a LOT of people to an issue they might no...more
Nov 26, 2011Caitlin rated it it was ok · review of another edition
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
May 06, 2008Jennifer Wardrip rated it really liked itBooks
Shelves: trt-posted-reviews, read-personally-by-moi
Reviewed by Me for TeensReadToo.com
LUNA is the first book I've ever read that deals specifically with transgender issues. Although you get a feel for what the book is about by reading the back copy--in effect, that Regan's brother, Liam, is a woman trapped in a man's body--you don't get the full spectrum of what this actually means until you reach the end of chapter one.
'Rolling over, I muttered, 'You're such a freakshow.' Her hair splayed across my pillow, tickling my face. 'I know,' she murmu
Jan 25, 2014Wart Hill rated it did not like it · review of another edition
DNF at 47%.
When I first started this book, I thought I would like it. I was disappointed that the book wasn't from Luna's point of view, but I thought maybe it would be a good book to get my family members, maybe reading about Regan's journey of discovery with regards to her sister would help them.
Except then Regan turned out to be a brat.
She keeps talking about how she has no life because of Luna, but honestly all I see is a spoiled brat who can't step away from her own innane high school drama
Jan 12, 2012Emily Ann rated it it was amazing
My 5 star rating may be a little misleading.
In a [future?] world where hundreds of great lit (YA and otherwise) is written with trans characters, where trans people feel less silenced and less invisible, I think this is a really great book.
In the current reality, I have some problems with this book. They mostly are about silencing the trans voice by giving control of the narrative to the trans character's cis-gendered sister.
I think it made the story more palatable because we hear about the pain
Oct 13, 2012Caidyn (SEMI-HIATUS; BW Reviews; he/him/his) rated it did not like it
This review can also be found here!
DNF at 20%
TW: transphobia, misgendering, deadnaming, and others since I DNFed it

Wow was this reread problematic.
But let’s backtrack.
When I was a young transman, still figuring out what the fuck that meant for me, I read this book. Along with a few others. But this one really stood out for me because I remember enjoying it. And it helped me ground myself in basic details.
But rereading it?
Nope. Just… nope.
First of all, it’s told from the perspective of Liam/Lia M
Jul 23, 2009Arlene rated it it was amazing
Luna, by Julie Ann Peters, is an exceptional book. I wish I could give it more than 5 stars as it pushes the boundaries of YA literature to unchartered territory and does it so flawlessly. This is like no other book I’ve ever read, and one that will stay on my mind for quite some time. It was beautifully written, with perfectly developed characters that were wrapped around a subject matter that got me to rethink how I feel about topics not commonly discussed.
The focus of the book is extremely s
I am so glad this book exists! While working in a public library a few years back, I came across Luna, and have recommended it a hundred times over ever since. It is one of the few young adult books I have seen so far that addresses the reality/experience of transgender teens, which has been needed for years! (Before this book, it was the Francesca Lia Block books that I would love for addressing queer youth experience. They are classics and address issues of gender for sure, but I appreciate th...more

Julie Anne Peters Books Free Download For Pc

3/5 stars
“Like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, I thought. An exquisite and delicate creature, unfolding her wings and flying away. Except in Luna’s case, the butterfly is forced to rein in her wings and reinsert herself into the cocoon every day. Every single day, she has to become a shell of a person.”
The Skinny:
This is the story of a young man, Liam; a boy on the outside, yet a girl on the inside. By night, Liam is Luna, a girl who loves make-up and fashion. By day, Liam is an introve
I read this book back in sixth grade. But I still remember the impact it had on me. By the end of this book, all I wanted was another book continuing life for her. I hadn't really ever put much thought into people that were born feeling like they should be someone else. It just never really crossed my mind. This book opened my eyes up to a whole new world. I was able to get a better understanding, and I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is open minded toward this subject. Maybe, even...more
Nov 14, 2009Jess rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I cried and cried while I read this book. But don't read it unless you are ready to think hard about some tough issues and stereotypes.
Recommended and sent by Lys. And then she dares deny she's puccia.
Anyway, this was both cute and meaningful. And well, sad and frustrating and all the FEELS.
I do not know if I can write an english review in this case. I'll try my best.
Liam is a girl. He has always felt like a girl and he's been hiding the real him (or her, really) for all his life. The only one who knows about Luna, Liam's true self, is her sister, Regan.
I don't know how realistic Luna is, because I really can't imagine how di
THIS BOOK WAS GREAT. SUPERB, WARMING, CRY WORTHY. NOT A WASTE OF PRECIOUS TEAR DROPPING IN THIS STORY. OKAY? OKAY! So this transgender transition book was so SO just, everything. I read it over the weekend and I want to marry it and take it to Vegas. I don't even want to marry people, thats how great this book is. there better be another book, If not I will kill someone.
Nov 09, 2011Hallie rated it it was ok
I really, really wanted to like this book because there is not enough (massive understatement) positive representation of transgender characters in YA fiction. But the narrator took over the book and made it about herself, not about her trans sibling Liam/Luna. I don't know what the intent there was - probably to show the internal struggle one would have to go through to accept a trans family member. But she ricocheted between juvenile self-involvement and acting as a mouthpiece for PSAs about t...more
This book is getting really good. Luna wants to tell he's parents that he is a girl. Thats what he wants to be. No a man but a woman.
Oct 02, 2018Claire (Book Blog Bird) rated it liked it
This was quite a short book but it told a really interesting story about a girl's relationship with her transgender sister.
Regan's older sister, Luna, can only come out at night. Because by day, she's trapped in the body of Liam, a boy constantly under pressurre from the people in his small town to be more of a man, do sports and other gender-conforming crap.
This book really focusses on Regan's story and how Luna's transition affects her, as well as the stuff she's going through at school. Her f
Jun 03, 2018PinkAmy loves books, cats and naps rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Julie Ann Peters’s LUNA, published in 2004, was one of the first stories about a teenager transitioning.
Liam is transitioning from his assigned gender to her real identity as Luna. Only her younger sister Regan knows. Regan tells the story of her brother’s transformation, suicidal feelings, eagerness to live authentically, bullying and parental gender expectations. Regan risks everything to support her brother (she uses brother and sister/he and she, interchangeably depending on whether her sibl
Jun 23, 2010Steph rated it it was amazing
Shelves: age-group-ya-na, year-read-2011, author-웃
Luna was born Liam. When we meet him, he's a high school senior, but he's known he is a girl trapped in a boy's body since he was much younger. When Liam was nine years old, he asked his mom for a Barbie and a bra. Then, at his party, he couldn't understand why, after having given the list to his mom, he didn't get the presents.
His younger sister, Regan, is the only other person who knows his secret. The secret doesn't just weigh heavily on Liam/Luna, it's also taking its toll on Regan. She lo
Oct 21, 2009Helena Miller rated it it was amazing

Julie Anne Peters Biography

This was a National Book Award finalist and I can see why. In many ways, it's a typical young adult novel with a girl struggling with her family, her brother, and a new love interest. The love-interest part was cute but fairly typical. The fact that her brother, however, is transgender (he was born physically a boy but feels like a girl on the inside) is NOT typical of YA literature and adds incredible complexity. I think the author realistically portrayed this struggle, not making it any simple...more
Jul 16, 2009Kjersti rated it it was ok · review of another edition
If it wasn't for the whole transgender issue this would have been such a snore fest. In fact, Regan's love affair with Chris reminded me of all the Babysitters' Club books I used to read when I was eleven; clichéd, clumsy and over-the-top 'funny'. Peters' writing is nothing to get excited about and Luna/Liam comes across as a flaky character who can't help herself and must. cross-dress. at. all. times. Transgender teens (and adults, for that matter) is such an important issue and thus I would ac...more
Jan 29, 2019Krista Ivy rated it really liked it
Shelves: contemporary, lgbt, youth, rainbow-reads, trans
I read this book for an LGBTQ book club that I am in. It was quick, simple, and full of drama. As would be expected when dealing with teens. The difference in this book is that the main protagonist is the sister to the character that the book is named after. Instead of it just being a story of transitioning and coming up, it becomes a story of family and siblings holding us up and knocking us down.
I personally liked this book due to it being so realistic and having an original approach and outl
Jun 26, 2015Samantha rated it really liked it
Shelves: socially-conscious, ya-baybay, insta-classic, realistic-fiction, we-need-diverse-books
This is going to be a tough one to write a review for. Overall, I think it is a pretty fantastic book. But I do think that it has suffered a bit of dated-ness since it was first published (only in 2004! That is dated to me now!)
'Luna' tells the story of Luna, who was born a male named Liam, through the perspective of her little sister, Regan. It is really (I hate to say it) interesting to see this story told through a straight cis-female perspective, since you would think the power of the story
Mar 23, 2017Hélène Louise rated it it was amazing
Shelves: recommended, family-story, characters-in-3d, hortense-s-shelf, contemporary-ya, transgenre-theme, pbook, ya, comprehension-empathy-and-tolerance, clever-point-of-view
I'm happy to read this kind of books, and happier to note how well there're taken by young readers (French ones particularly, as this book is translated: 'Cette fille c'était mon frère'). It's a good omen for our society...
The main theme of 'Luna' is transgenre, but I loved that it wasn't only that. There a lot of others themes, cleverly woven in the main narrative: the notion of intelligence (the heroin doesn't even realise how bright she is because Liam/Luna is so exceptionally gifted), the fa

Julie Anne Peters Books Free Download For Windows 7

Liam has always known that he was a girl and has kept this knowledge locked away in a steamer trunk to be revealed only at night. Regan has been protecting her brother Liam since she can remember; protecting his secret from the world. During one fateful year, Liam and Regan’s carefully orchestrated lives begin to unravel when Liam can no longer keep Luna under lock and key to be seen only at night. Told from the perspective of Regan, Luna takes the reader on a journey through one teen’s transfor...more
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Luna review 1 1Jan 16, 2018 12:43PM
evaherbalist.com luna-bella 1 3Nov 06, 2017 02:06AM
Did anyone else think that this book didn't do a very good job? 10 83Aug 14, 2017 07:04PM
Madison Mega-Mara...:#67 Luna by Julie Anne Peters 1 2Jun 20, 2014 08:38PM
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Julie Anne Peters was born in Jamestown, New York. When she was five, her family moved to the Denver suburbs in Colorado. Her parents divorced when she was in high school. She has three siblings: a brother, John, and two younger sisters, Jeanne and Susan.
Her books for young adults include Define 'Normal' (2000), Keeping You a Secret (2003), Luna (2004), Far from Xanadu (2005), Between Mom and Jo (
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